Benefits of Sim Only Deals

SIM only deals are overlooked by many customers because of the popularity of full two year mobile phone contracts. However, these deals are advantageous in many ways including pricing and flexibility. Users going SIM only contracts are usually looking to shop around for the best deal in terms of data, calls and texts and not handsets. They may not wish to shift to other phones and may want only a specific carrier. Phones with SIM only deals are usually unlocked and the SIM cards can be swapped with other phones without hassle.

SIM-only deals also turn out to be more flexible as phone contracts usually last around 2 years, which may not appeal to all. Contract deals also hinder users from taking advantage of flexible use models, which ends up costing more in the long term. SIM only deals are also contract based but usually last from 3 to 12 months. Some mobile networks also offer discounts for these deals if the customers commit for a long period of time.

Another major factor is the cost. With SIM only deals, users spend much less compared to the with-phone contract deals. Cost of the new phone will not have to be factored into how much the customers pay, instead they just pay for the calls, texts, surfing and so on. These deals usually offer more call minutes and more texts than mobile phone contracts or pay-as-you-go (PAYG) services. There is also a plus point as users will not have to keep topping up like in PAYG services. Users can also get extra value added services such as internet access or access to social networking sites included as part of the monthly fee.

The most important advantage in using SIM only deals is that users have the freedom to choose their phones, carriers, plans as well as the duration of the contract.

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